USA = Greece?

“the same sort of financial shell game that has brought governments like Greece to a crisis point.”

That’s what they’re starting to say about the things WE are doing with our budget. It’s like what the huge banks did when the recent real estate bubble was being blown. It’s why our credit rating is in danger. There is one critical difference between the USA and Greece, however:


If somebody decides they actually want to be repaid a few Trillion dollars of US Treasury debt, what will they do? Do you think for a minute that China wouldn’t go to war over a trillion dollar theft? How about Japan?

If the USA goes down like Greece could soon do, it’s sink or swim for every nation in the world. I am thinking a lot of Sink will happen. Also, I don’t find USA mentioned in the Biblical discussion of the end of the world.

Greece appears to be trying to fix itself, and it is being thwarted by public unions. Will we be able to fix ourself?

Hat tip: Michael Savage

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