Travis County Joint and Special Elections May 4, 2024 Voter’s Guide

Travis Central Appraisal District, Travis County, Board of Directors

Place 1
Don Zimmerman – Eliminated property taxes? Let’s have at least one person on this board that wants to CUT something!
Jett Hanna – Member, Blue Team

Place 2
Shenghao Wang – Member, Blue Team. You don’t get this imprimatur without thinking Correctly, so maybe heck this guy too, but I like him better than Patschke (for now).
Jonathan Patschke – A literal lowbrow. He wishes the board was so correct they were perfect and you couldn’t challenge their valuations at all. Heck this guy.
Matt Mackowiak – Member, Red Team. He worked for /our guy/ “Ted” Cruz so I automatically kinda like him. I believe this means he loses, in Travis County, but not because I didn’t pull for him a little bit. Bonus points for being married to a photographer.

Place 3
I’m ambivalent here, but I predict Levine wins. Vote for who you like, and I’ll abstain. If you’re voting in this election, that’s probably Lavine, because Austin is Blue Team territory.
Bill May – If you fail to mount a campaign, you lose. So May is a loser? In Travis County, he is a loser for being on the Red Team.
Dick Lavine – Member, Blue Team. ALL ABOUT this field of enterprise, hardly a novice, so that’s nice.

Pflugerville ISD School Board Trustee,

Place 1 – An admirable physical specimen, and running unopposed, so vote for him if you like big sexy mans, I guess? I dunno. Doesn’t matter, he wins by default.

Place 2
Melissa Lee vs.
Charlie Torres
I watched these two at a candidate’s forum, and it left me ambivalent. Both these people care WAY more than the rest of us, obviously, but in different ways. She’s been mothering (teaching) and he’s been attending committee meetings and being a beurocrat. Generally speaking, I want men to run things* but this guy sounds like the one who makes boring meetings unnecessarily longer. Plus, he’s old. And fat. It shouldn’t be the case that our children are led by slovenly individuals. Look at Alex Okafor, for example. That man is built like a tank! Lee hasn’t been on a board, Torres has. He’s been on a school board for 12 years . . . which means he’s spent too much of his life on boards. Lee hasn’t been on much of anything, because she’s new. I couldn’t listen to the whole forum, because Torres is an energy vampire on my ears. If either wins, they’ll do fine, I’m sure, but people who communicate like Torres does BOTHER me. So, Lee.

*yes I said it.

Roe was Rubbish. Dobbs was correct. We get what we get, this November.

The sCOTUS got Roe vs Wade horribly wrong. Fifty-odd million (mostly-Black) children were slaughtered as a result. FINALLY the decision was overturned, and the decision of how to treat the citizens of each State when it comes to health care and MURDEr has been reversed to be a State matter.

As it should be.

It begins to appear that this may be a problem for the election of good, God-fearing Republicans this November. Don Trump has correctly pointed out this is 0% a federal issue, but the people of America do seem to love murdering inconvenient and Black children, so maybe he’ll lose the election because people whom he does not control have said local crimes and individual medical decisions are not a matter for Congress to deal with.

Trump could lose, because women want to be whores.

If that happens, it will be in-line with the election of a godless communist because he was brown, and a dementia patient because he was not orange: Another step down a slope which is looking increasingly slippery all the time. As my old preacher used to say, America could be done, and we’re just waiting for the fizzle.

We’ll see.

And, if Dementia Daddy wins re-election because your daughter wants to murder your grandbabies instead of keeping her legs crossed like a good girl,

you deserve it.


Christians, are you praying for God’s will to be done this year?

You do recall, God directs the outcomes of elections, don’t you?


A dozen years ago I published my stance on abortion. I stand by these words: Three Things Nobody Is Mentioning

Once Upon A Time, In Spain

In Rota, Spain, there is an artificial harbor where the fishermen park their boats overnight. There is a sea wall made of giant blocks of concrete that were dumped into the sea, with a little street/sidewalk type of deal on top of the wall. The wall forms the harbor. The fishermen store nets and things, on top of the wall.

During the daytime, layabout local children and idle sailors stationed at Base Naval de Rota (a Spanish submarine base) will sometimes go hang out on the wall because it’s nice over there with the view and whatnot. Also because it’s a diving spot and swimming area without any waves.

The tide in that harbor is 3 meters from high to low. Then there’s a couple meters of wall out of the water, so at low tide you can have a pretty nice 5m or so jump down to the water. During the day, this is all fun & games.

My buddy and I took our girlfriends to this jumping spot on the wall at night once. There’s no lights in the harbor at night. There was no moon that night, either. It was dark when our motorcycle headlights switched off. But we had come to jump and swim and it was unthinkable to chicken out in front of the girls, right?

So he jumped. He lied and said it was fine, and I jumped . . . off a solid concrete wall I could barely see, out over a pitch-black nothing of water. I looked down, and there was literally nothing. Look up, there’s literally nothing. No lights, no clouds, no moon, everything is black darkness and I’m falling in it. It was horrible. And then an hour and 5 meters later I splashed down into black water. I couldn’t see anything. After a brief swim to the surface, we both lied to the girls and said it was fine, and they jumped.

We climbed out, and left. The girls were not amused. Nobody jumped twice.

Travis County Republican Primary Election March 5, 2024

For President, there is only one choice. Don Trumpo must prevail.

United States Senator
Ted Cruz is /ourguy/
R E (Rufus) Lopez – if you have been a laywer for nearly 60 years, you are too old to be STARTING in politics, sorry. Plus his big round head is silly looking. Nobody likes bald guys. Thats why Donny Trump keeps his mane so lush. This man is 82 years old. It’s too old. Also, he is not apparently doing much in the way of campaigning, I guess it’s too stressful for someone of his advanced age.
Holland “Redd” Gibson – seriously? A guy with a communist colored nickname? Pass. Anyone who lives in Houston is disqualified automatically. Plus he’s retired in Houston. Retirees should move to Boca. Also candidates should campaign, unless their candidacies are fronts for money-laundering ops. I don’t see any campaigning going on here, Holly.

United States Representative, District 17
Pete Sessions – Is on the right side of lots of issues, and has not been making himself odious. He’s coming up on “been in congress too long” but he’s going to win this primary and the general, both in a landslide, and that’s okay once more.
Joseph T. Langone – Come back when you’re older, son. 29 is too young to be in Congress. Truck drivers are cool with me. MAGApushers are cool with me. Guys with leather hats are cool with me. The weak goatee, he needs to shave or let it grow in. I don’t trust his face; he looks shady somehow. I don’t like that he’s got his wife at home rearing children while he drives truck. Also, is not where you go to host a serious campaign.

Railroad Commissioner
Christi Craddick – the incumbent, who appears to be uncontroversial and who resists the leftards in her official capacity.
Corey Howell – does not appear to have an active campaign. Corey bb u gotta at least try a little bit.
Christie Clark – in contrast with Jimmy, below, her main qualification is that she IS an attorney. LOL next
Petra Reyes – has a rambling narrative, but no clear position statements on her campaign website. Try again.
James “Jim” Matlock – the manliest man sounding name of the batch should be an easy one for the people who care about that sort of thing! However, according to him, “The best qualification I can think of is that I am not an attorney” … this is not the flex he thinks it is.

Justice, Supreme Court, Place 4
Brian Walker – is already a judge. Maybe he should stay where he is. Also, how does someone become a FORMER pastor?
John Devine – You already know how I feel about incumbent judges. I prefer to keep them. The main campaign against this one seems to be that he’s too heavily influenced by religious and cultural traditions I share. Haters take a hike, this one may be /ourguy/

Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals
Sharon Keller – another incumbent to keep.
David J. Schenck – there’s something wrong with his eyes. Also his main campaign point seems to be “this woman I’m running against is old” which is not the way. Also, and I cannot emphasize this enough: If you are running for an elected office, your campaign website ABSOLUTELY MUST NOT have a “meet [candidatename]” page that is a 404 error.

Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7
Barbara Parker Hervey – Another incumbent we should keep.
Gina Parker – seems upset at a ruling these 3 criminal appeals judges made … an 8-to-1 ruling. 8 to 1 means you are wrong for disagreeing LOL get rekt and find a better campaign manager for next year

Judge, Court of Criminal appeals, Place 8
Michelle Slaughter (great name for a judge BTW) – these 3 appeals court judges are being targeted for the same reason: they followed the law. This hurt the feelings of a guy with power and influence.
Lee Finley – can’t keep up with a mortgage? IDK but it looks bad. Somehow an action from 2016 is still pending. Let this clear up and maybe we’ll take you serious next year, k?

Republican primary ballot propositions

Proposition 1: Texas should eliminate all property taxes without increasing Texans’ overall tax burden.

Sounds nice, doesn’t work. I am for getting rid of property taxes, but unless you specify we’re going to a consumption tax, the easy next step is an income tax, which is WORSE.

Proposition 2: Texas should create a Border Protection Unit, and deploy additional state law enforcement and military forces, to seal the border, to use physical force to prevent illegal entry and trafficking, and to deport illegal aliens to Mexico or to their nations of origin.

Yes. And, by physical force, I mean SHOOT THEM as they are coming over the wall. Women and children, too. Stack up a pile of bodies on the South side of the wall like it’s World War Z up in this. Either it’s an emergency and an invasion, or we’re playing tiddlywinks and should stop pretending.

Proposition 3: The Texas Legislature should require the use of E-Verify by all employers in Texas to protect jobs for legal workers by preventing the hiring of illegal aliens.

No. This is one step nearer to the Mark of the Beast. Avoid using a national database to verify employment. You fucking know who’s illegal. Do the right thing. Persecute people who hire illegals. This ain’t it, chief.

Proposition 4: The Texas Legislature should end all subsidies and public services, including in-state college tuition and enrollment in public schools, for illegal aliens.

Uh, duh? I know these propositions are red meat for the faithful, but this is retarded and should never have been a thing, in the first place!

Proposition 5: Texas urges the United States Congress not to grant any form of amnesty or a pathway to legalization for illegal aliens.

Easy yes.

Proposition 6: The Texas Legislature should prohibit the deployment of the Texas National Guard to a foreign conflict unless Congress first formally declares war


Proposition 7: The Texas Legislature should establish authority within the Texas State Comptroller’s office to administer access to gold and silver through the Texas Bullion Depository for use as legal tender

This is retarded. We don’t need more government just so people can trade in commodities. No.

Proposition 8: The State of Texas should ensure that Texans are free to give or to withhold consent for any vaccine without coercion.


Proposition 9: The Republican Party of Texas should restrict voting in the Republican primary to only registered Republicans.

Easy yes. Don’t let the leftards come cock it up on purpose. They believe in dermerkrissy so much, let them vote in their own party.

Proposition 10: The Texas Constitution should be amended to restore authority to the Texas Attorney General to prosecute election crimes.

Easy yes.

Proposition 11: Texa parents and guardians should have the right to select schools, whether public or private, for their children, and the funding should follow the student.

Easy yes. Haters sit down.

Proposition 12: The Texas Constitution should be amended to require proof of citizenshipbefore any individual can be registered to vote

Easy yes.

Proposition 13: Texas should ban the sale of Texas land to citizens, governments, and entities from China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

Easy yes. This shouldn’t need a ballot measure to shift the legislature, don’t be lazy.


This voters guide has been the most fun to produce of any, like ever. Ask anyone, they’ll all tell you. Have some fun in life every once in a while. Make funny noises in person and smile at least twice a day.

If you would like to not have cancer, ask about Dichloroacetate (DCA)

It’s long. But hey, you’re dying of cancer, what else are you going to read during your poison infusion?

P.S. we aren’t supposed to imply this has been a known cure for cancer for over a decade, in combination with other drugs and having a known safety profile, because THAT does not seem very profitable!

p.p.s. it may also help with your endometriosis

Does teething cause fever? YES. Your doctor is wrong to suggest otherwise!

Yes, absolutely. Sometimes. 101, 102 and it goes away with appropriate druges, great. If it gets over 103, that’s bad and talk to a medical professional immdiately! Teething can involve swelling, swelling leads to ear infections (which also may resolve spontaneously) and fevers. And sometimes they’re just teething.

Between the four children who grew up in our home, we have gone through literally hundreds of episodes of teething. Sometimes the littles get fevers. Sometimes the fevers go up to 103. Yes, it happens. No, we were not part of a double-blinded placebo-controlled random clinical trial when it happened, so our “it happend hundreds of times” is

only anecdotal evidence*

Not The Science. Trust The Science! Specifically, if your fussy baby with swollen puffy soft tender gums has a mild fever, rush to the pediatrician and spend hundreds of dollarydoos for a Professional to tell you to give them tylenol.

Pro tip: acetaminophen does not do anything for teething pain. Ibuprofen is where it’s at, in my personal, direct, lived experience as an expert opinion-haver who has had teething pain and tooth problems and noticed. It’s also hard on your guts, and both drugs are poison if you take too much so mind the label directions.

Also anecdotal

Also anecdotal

I’m An Heretic, You Say?

If I say, “It has been demonstrated that some chemicals which have not been thoroughly studied can cause negative health effects in children”
You might reply, “Hmyes of course comrade, this only makes sense!”
If I say, “Vaccines cause autism”
You might reply, “You are a conspiracy theorist looney toon and should lose your medical license!”
Note: The two assertions I made are the same thing with different words.

Hold on there

Five points for you to ponder and I won’t trouble you further (today) on this topic

  • Aluminum is a potent neurotoxin
  • When nanoparticulate aluminum is injected to rats, it crosses their blood-brain barrier
  • This causes brain disease of various sorts, in lab rats
  • When you include aluminum in vaccines as an adjuvant, it makes them more effective and more profitable per dose
  • There has never been a placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial of any of the vaccines you gave your children

Sleep tight!

Is it worth it? Why should I pay more for name-brand LED fluorescent-replacement lamps?

My company has been saving thousands of dollars on electricity by converting our in-house lighting from four-foot fluorescent tubes to LED lamps. The old fluorescent ballast gets pulled out and a new LED lamp goes in, and it runs cooler and is brighter for less electricity, everybody’s happy…. Until they start to flicker and go dark. We were buying the cheapest-possible four foot lamp assemblies for about three-or four-ish dollars each. Enough have failed that it is a pain in the behind and we have to replace a bunch (dozens) of lamps.

We finally had someone do research and bought replacement lamps from a name brand through a distributor. It is hoped these will be more durable in the long run, but initial quality impressions are extremely favorable.

The reference (old) lamps fail in a common way: The large capacitor which I think is filtering the incoming main power, bulges and fails to capacitate, and the driver can’t drive any more. This can be fixed in a not-UL-approved way by spending more time than the lamp is worth, to replace the capacitor and then it will fail again the same way. This is your culprit. Note he’s bulging on top. Sometimes they spew their electrolyte inside the end cap of the lamp.

Why? Compare the new (above) and old (below):

The capacitor in the name-brand lamp is spaced FAR away from the electronics. The cheapie has the capacitor in physical contact with multiple heat sources! I pried the big capacitors up so you can see what lies beneath each.

The name brand has some questionable soldering, but not near as much as the cheapie. Also the name brand has the active components on a second layer, away from the least-reliable part, the electrolytic capacitor. The name brand PCB is populated on both sides. The cheap one is populated on one side and smaller, both for likely-considerable cost savings.

The assembly techniques are different for the wiring also. The mains on both types of lamp follow a trace on the LED strip, to get from the dead end to the driver end of the assembly. On the cheapie, the connections to the circuit are made by wires, which are folded as the unit is assembled. The insulation on these gets hot and then dark and brittle, and when you move the board to troubleshoot/repair it, the insulation is prone to fall apart, so:

The output wires on the cheapie are at least silicone rubber-insulated. This gets hot enough to become discolored!

The LED assembly in the cheap lamp is a flex bonded to a strip of aluminium, which lives in a slot in an extruded aluminium housing. The lens/diffuser snaps into slots along the outside of the extrusion.

The expensive ones, the LED assembly is also a flex, but it is bonded to the inside diameter of a glass tube.

The flex is soldered directly to the circuit board in the name brand unit. No wires, and I suspect the flex can take a LOT higher temperatures than the insulation on the cheapie’s wires

The wires are folded under the PCB in the cheapest-possible unit. The name brand has the flex bent over top and glued to the electronics, which should be quite secure. See how it held up to forces that damaged the glass around it

Peeling back the flex, breaking the glue, you can see the name brand unit also has shaved some cost by omitting a couple of passive components. You can also see the aforementioned glue is on multiple components, including one with flexible wire leads, which should act as kind-of a strain relief if necessary

The most printing anywhere on the cheap unit is this LED strip identification

The flex for the name brand unit also has printing on it. In addition to + and – for each individual LED, it has also a description … and a UL stamp and flammability rating.

Speaking of printing, let’s compare. The cheap unit is literally a no-name brand with no external markings. This is what you find on the double-the-cost name-brand lamp assembly:

Brand is proudly proclaimed. Model. Specifications. Agency approvals, including NSF (you can use it where food is prepared and served). This is a no-kidding legitimate product. The cheap ones, the brand is not even mentioned, is how proud they are of their product. There is also no model number, no voltage input specification, no power rating, no agency approval marks, country of origin (certainly China, by the way). I think unironically this thing may be illegal to sell.

The old units died within a few months to years. They are powered on at most ten hours a day, maybe 2500 hours a year. They should last longer than a few years. It is hoped, these new ones will do! Time will tell, but as I say initial impressions of quality are much higher.

I Can’t Vote for Vivek Ramaswamy

He seems like a nice guy. He is dead-right on many, many critical issues of the day, which is a dramatic upgrade from most other candidates. He would be better in the short term for our republic than anyone the Democratic Party is likely to field for the office. And he is disqualified.

At least, he is closer to worthy of the office than Mitt Romney, who long-time readers will recall I could not vote for either: I Can’t Vote For Romney.

Romney’s candidacey was dead on arrival with me, because of my religion. Or rather, our religions. Ramaswamy will never get my vote for the same reason. Believing in a religion that says literal space aliens populated the world and you’ll get to be God of your own world with your (many) children as the seed of the population on your new world, is the functional equivalent of believing in any of the pantheon of false gods for a hindoo: wrong, and so wrong as to be a disqualification for the office of President.

(Some) Catholics can be Christian. Zero hindus can, and zero mormons can, by definition. Trump, for all his dislikeable personal traits, calls himself a non-denominational Christian. That, plus his bang-on-the-nose correctness on so many political issues, means he is the best candidate for the office bar none on the field today. “Ted” Cruz would be a distant second. Traitor Pence, Fat loser Christie, don’t even register on the board. The days of holding my nose and voting for a “more of the same” President are gone.

Reject Modernity. Return to Tradwife.

Decide for yourself which of these two ways of life is superior. Which is better for the woman and the child?

A woman enjoys peaceful time with her child, both happy. Or:

A woman finds out working sucks, big time, and literally cries about it. Daily. This is her life now, subject to the daily grind.

For your consideration.