Surprising No-One, The Internet is More Popular Than Newspapers.

(in completely unrelated news, newspapers and magazines continue to slip off into oblivion, wondering “what happened?” the whole way down.)

The internet has replaced newspapers as the People’s #2 source of news & information. Television is still about as popular as both, combined. Come on now really, is there anyone who didn’t see this announcement coming? Even television is going to fade out, replaced by “I’ll watch what I want when I want” Internet entertainment and news programming. It will be a while before TV goes away entirely, but it will surprise me a great deal to look back in a couple of decades and not see TV and Internet have swapped places on this graph:

Now Hamas Wants A(nother) Cease-Fire. Sure, Hold Your Breath.

Israel respected the most recent cease-fire agreement, despite daily rocket attacks from muslims in Palestine. The cease-fire has lapsed and now Israel is, to borrow from Blackfive, stacking them up like cordwood.

Surprisingly, while the Jews in Israel are pleased with the current turn of events, the terrorists in Gaza are not. I just heard on the radio news Hamas has called for another cease-fire. Israel’s answer should be:

“sure, we’ll stop shooting at you, just as soon as you have stopped shooting at us . . . for a few years. In the meantime, enjoy some hot death from above, or be quiet and sit down (your choice).”

oh, and I got this from the talk shows also (notably absent from the AP report I linked earlier: Hamas celebrated the end of the cease-fire by launching 80 300 rockets into Israel. Hooray for Peace!

also, Israel apparently fooled the Palestinians pretty good and caught a bunch of the terrorists reporting to work on Monday, with bombs. Bravo Zulu.

Flight 93 Families Want to Seize Land for Memorial

So it’s not enough that the memorial to the victims of flight 93 turns out to be a huge Islamic mosque, complete with special features honoring the hijackers and condemning the victims to symbolic hell forever while putting the 9/11 terrorists in heaven.

Now, they are trying to spit in the eye of every red-blooded American by STEALING the land? Sorry, maybe my free copy of the Constitution from the Heritage Foundation was misprinted and left out the part about a memorial mosque for the hijackers being a worthy reason to exercise eminent domain. I know there was a lot of effort put into the design of this mosque, but can’t you guys build it on property the owner wants to get rid of, at least?

You are not crazy. They are. And they are forcing it on you.


Israel Attacking Gaza In Retaliation for Rocket Strikes (again)

From the AP Obama: Hamas is being slapped on the wrist again.

The linked AP Report is typically heavy on details to jerk your heartstrings to the Palestinian side but I did manage to get the following facts out of it:

*Hamas has not prevented continuing murderous unguided rocket attacks from Palestine to Israel
*Most of the dead (apparently at least a super majority) are Hamas fighters
*Targets are largely strategic or symbolic Hamas facilities
*Smuggling tunnels from Egypt to Gaza have been cut, preventing a key resupply source for the mujaheddin
*It’s mostly air and sea strikes so far, no major ground assaults against Gaza, but the preparations for troop activity are underway
*Egypt is allowing trucks with “humanitarian aid” to enter Gaza
*The international community in the neighborhood are against the Israeli actions
*Credit goes to the Associated Press for not forgetting to mention that Hamas is TRYING to kill women and children, but Israel is trying to kill enemy combatants, who hide amongst women and children (one must assume, from a desire for PR fodder or an excess of cowardice).

I continue to wonder why Israel does not grow a pair and stomp all over the faithful members of the Religion of Peace who refuse to play nice with their neighbors. Maybe they have decided to do just that, finally, in light of the coming dawn of a new error in the USA

Childrens’ Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Motrin (ibuprofen) Dosing Information

I said a while back that I would post this information tomorrow. Well it’s tomorrow. If you are trying to find out how much pain medicine to give your baby, here it is. These numbers were taken from a bad photocopy of a bad photocopy we got from our pediatrician, who got it from McNeil (who makes both drugs). If you do not read all the precautions on the bottle and go by this instead, you are a bad parent. If you can do basic maths yourself and want to get pseudoephedrine dosing for your infant/toddler, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

The pain reliever in Tylenol is acetaminophen. The pain reliever in Motrin is ibuprofen. If you see a generic or store brand drug with the same dosing information, go ahead and use it with these dosing tables instead of the more expensive name-brand. Or you could be like my wife and go with the McNeil Consumer Healthcare products because it’s a Name You Can Trust, and cost be danged.

Childrens’ Tylenol, in Infants’ Concentrated Drops, Childrens’ Suspension Liquid, Soft Chews Chewable Tablets, and Junior Strength Chewables:


Chilrens’ Motrin, in Infants’ Motrin Concentrated Drops, Childrens’ Motrin Suspension, Childrens’ Motrin Chewable Tables, Junior Strength Motrin Chewable Tablets, and Junior Strength Motrin Caplets:


Both Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen have maximum daily doses, as well as minimum intervals (hours) between doses. If you can’t make it out for yourself after reading the label and these charts, PLEASE get in contact with your pediatrician!

Merry Christmas (and light blogging)

We have spent the day in preparation to leave for the night and have presents to give tomorrow (last minute shopping and getting the house and children ready, as well as packing). We’ll be spending the night and most of Christmas day at my parents’ house. Blogging will be light nil for the next couple of days while we go celebrate the greatest gift ever given.

Merry Christmas everybody. Now turn off your computer and spend it with your loved ones. Or at least get back to work! 😉

Col. Cooper Says:

We hear overmuch about “self-esteem” as a goal in elementary education. The older term “self-respect” seems more to the point. The difference is that self-respect must be earned by conscientious endeavor, but self-esteem seems to be offered simply to any child who is alive and breathing. Teaching a young person that he is excellent simply because he is there is not the route to producing good citizens.

Seattle Refuses To Salt The Roads

I had a hopeful thought, when I heard that they preferred to let their roads get a hard-pack ice surface (vs. salting the streets and polluting Puget Sound (a body of salt water)): maybe they will be forced to conduct their liberal leftist nuttery in the privacy of their own homes.

Then I remembered the internet. Oh well.

At least the police are forced to walk to respond to calls because their rear wheel drive police cruisers don’t mix with ice.

I am SO glad I got out of that state when I had the chance.

WTF? California Doctor Embroiled In Tangled Nasty Mess.

A doctor in California was performing liposuction.

And using the used fat for fuel in his car.

Which is illegal. It’s not clear when he started or stopped doing this (rather nasty) recycling, but California is against it.

Oh, and also he let his assistants and a girlfriend do surgery on patients, leaving them disfigured, which is how they found out about the fat/diesel thing (during the investigation).

Then he went to be a volunteer doctor in deport-me-not South America.

ho-hum, another routine day in crazy-world.