Libya Jumps to Sharia

In a move that came literally out of nowhere, the wonderful modern peaceful people who murdered Qaddafi have announced that, in his absence, they’ll be going straight to Sharia as a basis for their new national legal system. You know, the philosophy from the book that says to kill the Jews, Infidels, and Hypocrites? That one.

This would be in the nation where President Obama was instrumental in the notawar that got the dictator out of power without putting official Boots on the Ground in Libya. Without sending in an army, no surprise, we did not find any weapons of mass destruction that may have been sent from Iraq when Hussein knew the jig was up. We also did not find hundreds of “missing” cruise missiles. Funny how that works: don’t go in person and you miss some minor details like enough weaponry to destroy Israel.

Let’s all practice our surprised faces for when the new muslim government of Libya decides to take a few pot shots at Israel. And remember to NOT be outraged if President Obama only goes as far as making angry frowny-faces at Libya, instead of . . . oh, I don’t know, maybe undertaking military action for a change.

Wait, that’s not . . . oh hey football; nevermind about Libya, football is on!

Daniel Larison Hits A Home Run

The mission in Libya has succeeded, goes the popular narrative. Daniel Larison hit the nail square on the head and drove it home in one blow. If you don’t understand why I don’t like what just happened, here are several of the reasons succinctly laid out.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to see if this Larison person has written anything else of merit. I may have someone else to follow here.

Update, later: As if I didn’t have enough to read, I just bookmarked Larison’s blog: Eunomia.

Man Is Murdered, CIA Whistles, Looks At Sky

He was captured alive and wanted for trial in the International Criminal Court. He was murdered by his captors before his trial could bring out any interesting secrets.

Street justice, or foreign intelligence agency intervention? Does your answer change when you realize there was a French fighter jet AND a United States’ Predator drone flying overhead when he was captured?

Oh, and here’s a fun bit of sarcastic consideration for you: We spent $1.1B and got our less-preferred head of state killed without putting any “boots on the ground.” We were able to do this, because the boots worn by CIA operatives in uniform is called Tactical Footgear, 1 Each; and the footwear worn by CIA agents in deep cover in Libya are SANDALS.

Boots on the ground, if it means uniformed troops walking around, is exactly ZERO different from flying a predator drone in from Nevada. The United States, under the ‘leadership’ of President Obama, has committed unprovoked war against a foreign nation, and aided the murder of that nation’s leader. By way of contrast, in President Bush’s war, we had a straight-up war, caught the guy, then he was duly tried for his crimes and killed by his own State.

Is this the change you were hoping for?

They Said If I Voted Republican

. . . we would have more wars in foreign lands. We’re sending special forces troops to MULTPIPLE African nations now? They say our men will only fight back. I’m so sure they’re just going there to pet the local rabbits or whatever, and no fights at ALL will be provoked, and no military escalation will become necessary on our part.

Surely there’s no attempt to get a good case of “don’t kick out the Commander-In-Chief during this important election year war!” No, they wouldn’t do things to get people killed to further political goals, would they? I mean, aside from a few hundred Mexican and American citizens with illegally-walked Fast and Furious guns… oh, wait.

Bonus points: We’re sending troops to help Communists defeat some thug that claims to be a way-out Christian.

Oh Well, There’s Always The Next Election . . .

In Nigeria the Christian candidate won the election. The Muslim population accepted it peacefully and went about their lives, promising themselves privately that the next election would see their preferred candidate voted into office, due to their diligent efforts before the ballot is cast.

Oh, wait. No, they didn’t, the moslems are rioting and murdering people because the election didn’t go their way. Because, you see, Islam is only a religion of peace after you establish the worldwide Caliphate. Until then, war.

This is Why I Hate April Fools Day

because, when totally incompetent people are running the government, you can’t be sure whether or not to believe stories like this on April 1st.

SRSLY? When do we get to the point of turning the entire nation of Libya to rubble to prevent harming civilians? The story, in case you didn’t click through, is about our policy of preventing harm to non-combatants in Libya’s civil war: If the rebels start hurting the civilians, we’ll have to start bombing the rebels, as well. It is nice to know that we are at least not taking sides in the matter.

These war planners grew up in government schools, where both the victim and the aggressor in a playground fight were punished. Well, here it is twenty years later. What a frikken mess. Hey here’s a question: if our bombing Qaddafi’s forces and the rebel fighters because both of them are harming civilians, leads to harming of civilians, do we bomb ourselves? WTF why not just roll a couple hundred thousand peacekeepers? I mean really, why not? It is our business to take care of Libya’s (and only Libya’s) civil war, right? Or are non-combatant civilians not being harmed in any other countries? I’m so confused. If only the Ministry of Propaganda would just tell me what to think so I could worship President Obama again!

What a wreck. What a tangled web . . . wait, who is being deceived here? Is there a money trail? Did Hillary invest in Libyan currency, or did Soros want an opportunity to do so? It’s such a mess, our foreign policy. I would say I can hardly wait for January, 2013 but then I remember what could happen in November, 2012.

Jiffy Lube Meets War Planning

“Now that we’re there” talk is coming out. At Jiffy Lube, they will sell you blinker fluid with no labor charge because they can replace it “while we’re in there” changing your turn signal oil. But this is war!

It is alleged that the USA will be diminished if we leave Libya alone with Qaddafi in power. You know what? The President doesn’t care about/believe in the greatness of America and I hope that leads us to the wise course of action this time. Hawks are talking about how that “now that we are in the fight we need to make sure it is won.”

Really? You want to fight a THIRD war? And this one ALSO against an enemy with no uniform, leadership, or visible command structure, and intentionally mingled in with the civilian populace? Invading Libya would be almost as foolish as invading America. EVERYBODY has or can get a gun, and there would not be a time that the people would stop shooting at us. We’d have to practically level the place to get the fighting to stop. Then what? You leave and it starts up again unless ALL of one side is dead. If Qaddafi is still alive and the rebels are still alive, we would have to stay there permanently. Then you need to install a puppet government just in case the locals don’t realize what they ought to do for their own good. Then you’re nation building and people call you George Bush!

We need OUT of Libya. That includes our troops of all sorts under NATO command as well.


P.S. I know everything is George Bush’s fault but I am having trouble pinning this new war on him. Some leftist reporter will figure it out, I have no doubt. Do try not to spit coffee on your steering wheel or keyboard (as applicable) when you LOL as they blame Bush for Libya.

What’s The Worst That Could Happen?

So we’re giving weapons to Libyan resistance fighters. We did this in Afghanistan and it is currently biting us in the [deleted] now that we are fighting the mooj’s we gave AKs when they were the enemy of our enemy.

Of course, it will never be the case that weapons we give to Libyans will be used against us. After all, if you don’t count CIA spooks and military advisors, we pinky-swear we will not have boots on the ground in Libya. Also Libyan fighters almost-never go outside Libya to fight our men, so . . .

Yeah, this is as bad an idea as the no-fly zone. No US tax dollars should be borrowed from China to send guns to Libya!

Our Dog Is Being Wagged

President Obama sounded(as Ingraham said) Commander-in-Chiefy at times during his speechifying about Libya last night. Some people might say that he boldly, boldly! did bubkis until Hillary had NATO start interfering in Libya’s civil war. Any right-thinking person will notice that the excuses reasons they say we are in Libya would apply equally-well to various other nations, but we continue not to go blast heck out of those nations. The question is: Why?

  • Are we involved because Italy et. al. have a vested interest in Libyan oil? (I thought wars for oil was bad?)
  • Did Jacques Chirac lose a big poker game to Qaddafi?
  • Did Qaddafi insult Mr. Soetero and Obama is getting payback for his daddy’s sake?
  • Is Hillary setting Obama up for a fall in 2012?
  • WTF WHY are we in Libya?

    And don’t say humanitarian anything, and don’t say we’re doing violence to prevent violence. Don’t say we’re not in it for regime change because we have definitely taken sides and made position statements indicating we are AGAINST the incumbent dictator. Whose side are we on? The Libyan people? Then why are we fostering war in their nation? Who is their leader if not Qaddafi? SRSLY Clinton is meeting with the rebels? And she thinks they’re going to tell her the truth?

    *sigh* Babes in the woods, that’s what they are. And the woods are dark and deep (but not lovely).